Links to other Overlander's Websites...........

While we were planning our trip we consulted various other overland websites. The information we obtained from the sites of people who had recently completed overland trips or were still in the process of doing so proved to be of invluable importance in the planning of our trip. Thanks guys!

Hopefully our site will be of assistance to future overland travellers - it would be great to return the favour.

In and out of Africa

Scott and Renee Smith's African Adventure

The Kingsmill's Trans-Africa Overland Trip

Tim and Clare's "African Inspiration" Tour

Overland Forum - Online

Martin Solm's Overlanding Site

Martin Solm's very comprehensive Africa-Overland links

Land-Rover of Switzerland


Land Rover Web

An African Tale – 2001 Safari

Another Hard Day in Africa (the guys who have our Landi now)


Last updated - 18th of August 2004